

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Another Review

This from Nik Morton, published author

"In May 2006, 53-year-old grandmother Heínke decides to follow in reverse the route taken by her hero poet Laurie Lee through Spain. She’s short of funds, sex-starved and accompanied by her clever dog Misty Blue and the inestimable Messrs Whyte & Mackay. Touring via campsites, she encounters nature in the raw, gets lost more than once, weathers rain and mist, and subsists on tea, bread, tomatoes – lots of tomatoes! – and sardines.

Heínke Pauly has a great turn of phrase, a wonderful sense of humour and a keen observant – and sometimes surreal – eye.

Ignore the few publisher’s typos and the occasional glitch in paragraph justification and enjoy a truly original travel book."

Thanks Nik, and I promise to get the publishers typos sorted out in the next print run.

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